Archive for ‘September, 2011’


Hows the point system going? Are you keeping track? SKill Double Unders Practice Max consecutive DU’s WOD RX 15-12-9 Power Snatch 115/ 80# Burpees 400 Meter…


Coach Scotty with a 123# ring dip…um yeah Skill Front Squat WOD RX AMRAP 12: 12 Deadlifts 185/135# 12 Bottom out Push Ups Freshie WOD AMRAP…


Mikey gettin it done! SKILL MR. Clean WOD RX 5 Rounds for time 10 Hang Power Cleans 135/85# 10 Burpees 20 Double Unders Freshie WOD Amrap…


“grip it & rip it” – Hansel SKill 5-4-3-2-1 Pullups WOD RX 21-15-9-6-3-1 of: Overhead Squats 95/65# Box Jumps 24 in Toes to Bar 200 m…


nice video of “31 heroes” by Rick and Jenny SKILL 5-5-5-5-5 Overhead Squat WOD RX AMRAP 20 of: 20 KB Snatches 53/ 35# –  10 per arm…


Karen tackled “barbara” RX.. All 100 pullups SKILL Push-ups WOD RX 4 Rounds For Time: 10 Deadlifts (225, 135) 50 Double Unders Freshie WOD Amrap 12…


rapid hip extension is so hot right now! Skill Snatch WOD RX “Karen” 150 Wallballs for time 20/14# to 10ft target Freshie WOD 100 Wallballs for…


A Bunch of CFCA-ers bit the bullet and went for FGB in the first heat!! WOD RX “Barbara” AkA Cindy’s ugly cousin. 5 Rounds for time…


congrats to everyone who participated in Fight Gone Bad Skill Handstand Push-ups 5-4-3-2-1 *increase range of motion as rep count decreases WOD RX 7 rounds of:…


progression feels good! Skill Back Squat WOD RX 21-15-9 Ring Dips Box Jumps 28/24in 200 m Run Freshie WOD Amrap 10 minutes 10  Dips 10 Box…