Archive for ‘April, 2013’


Seth gets cozy on the Ghetto GHD.  He has had some issues with tendonitis likely due to the combination working with his hands all day and…


CFCA-er Ryan enjoying the Level 1 Seminar with Gym Jones in SLC! WU 400m Run Dynamic 400m Run MOB Overhead Pigeon Calf WOD 8 mins to…


WU 400m Run 5 Mins 5WB 5 Becks Burpees 5 Walking lunge 400m Run MOB Calf Pigeon Squat w/KB WOD 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Pistols (total alternating sides each…


Seriously!?!? WU 400m run junk yard dog 400m run WOD 8 Mins to work up to a 5RM weighted Chin-up (palms facing you) then 2 sets…


Congrats to all who PR’ed the row. WU 5 Min Row, Dyne Run then 5  Min Circuit 5 Pull-ups or Ring Rows 5 Push-ups 5 Broad…