For our most up to date schedule (including holiday schedules),

Crossfit: Our daily workout of the day as posted on this website.

Ladies Only: MONDAY at 6:30PM. No Dudes Allowed! Workout together and usually followed by dinner at Jalapeños!

Kettlebell Class: TUESDAY at 5:30PM. Generally a 30-40 minute workout focusing on full body kettlebell movements. $10 drop in fee for non members – your first class is FREE!

Community Climbing: THURSDAYS 6:30PM. Open Bouldering time. No climbing experience or CFCA membership required. $5 drop in fee for Non Members.

Crossfit Kids & Teens:  CURRENTLY ON HIATUS (We will update the website/Social Media upon it’s return). The goal of our program is to create a life long love of exercise while building confidence and community. More info on our program here: CFCA KIDS 

Grinder: THURSDAYS at 6:00PM. Longer format team or partner stamina workout.

Barbell Basics: WEDNESDAY at 5:30PM (Must be scheduled/signed up by a Coach).
All new members will be required to complete our Barbell Basics program before using a barbell in a regular class. Our Barbell Basics program focuses on proper form and technique with different movements/lifts and will include a short workout as well! Prior to completing the required program, kettlebells and dumbbells are a great modification to a barbell lift (and sometimes harder!).

Saturday Community Team WOD: 9:00AM. We welcome everyone from the community (non CF members) to join us for this class. There will be $10 drop in fee for non members. 50% of this fee will be donated to an awesome local cause.

Open Gym: WEDNESDAY at 5:30PM.
Unstructured time to work skills or lifting, do recovery work, or make up a workout (we can help you!)