Archive for ‘June, 2012’


Carlo gets “best hairdo” in the midst of a killer WOD. WOD 3 rounds for time 4oo m row/run 12 deadlifts BW / .75 % BW…


Mel enjoying the Saturdays Team WOD. WOD On the minute for 5 minutes- 5 Heavy Front Squats *make sure you can clean it before we start…


The boys of Rockport Mortgage co. & and the 5:30 boys doing the 400m carry. WOD Deadlift- 15 mins to establish a  3 Rep Max “Helen”…


Kiwi & Moxy trying to make friends with an unfazed Harbor Seal. WOD 4 x 200m run/row/ dyne 1:00 rest between Between Efforts. then 3 x…


Rob suffering the airdyne.   Warm-up 10 Mins Turkish Get-ups WOD 50-40-30-20-10 kb swings 53/35# 5-10-15-20-25 ring dips *if you can MU….do that to your Ring Dips…


Father and Son team up to dominate! Warm-up 10 Mins Turkish Get-ups   WOD  5×5 strict weighted pull-up Ascending # then Amrap 12 of 8 Power…


Kiwi @ Magnolia Swamp Warm-up 10 Mins Turkish Get-ups WOD On the minute for 10 minutes:  5 Press  *with BB, KB, or Sandbags 50% of 1rm-ish…


Apparently my second cousin Tom Worhtington (featured in Video) won this race in 2009 and now is trying out for SEALS. Warm-up 10 Mins Turkish Get-ups…


WOD 5 x 3 Front Squats at 80% of 1RM Foundations = Ascending *reps ever other minute then “Cindy” Amrap 20 mins of 5 Pull-ups 10…


Crossfitters got game! WOD 2-2-2-2-2-2 Turkish-get-up. Ascending each side then “Baseline” 500m row 40 Air squats 30 Sit-ups 20 Push-ups 10 Pull-ups Cooldown 5 Mins on…