Archive for ‘January, 2015’


Jaime going legless on the rope climbs in Thursdays workout after some coaxing. She only could do them for 3 rounds until her grip was taxed…


Joel getting ready for a frosty long paddle out to the break. WU 10 Min Med Ball Toss (1 Min Each x 2) 1/2 Length Inchworm>Up…


Brennan on Fridays WOD. *We are cancelling all the morning classes Wednesday due to the storm.  If you can make it in the afternoon…the more the…


We are going to go ahead and cancel all classes for tomorrow (Tuesday). We will Post an update on Tuesday to whether Wednesday AM classes are…


Sylvie getting air time above the boys. We had a awesome time and good turnout at Skyzone for dodgeball. There will likely be another trip before…


Don’t neglect the single side stuff.  WU 10 Min Med Ball Toss (1 Min Each x 2) 1/2 Length Inchworm>Up Dog > Down Dog 1/2 Length…


Melissa on the lunge/KB pass workout a few weeks back WU Dynamic Power Clean Review & 15 reps with Bar 5 Mins to warm up to…


Reminder that we are starting the Whole Life Challenge Saturday. We will be at the gym a bit early Sat @ 8:30 if you need to…


Tom from Monday’s Workout. WU 6-1 Lunge Dislocates (per side) Air Squats Ring Rows KB Strict Press WOD Teams of 3 15 Mins Max KB Headcutters…