Archive for ‘February, 2013’


“Show you how the DOGG does it!”  Warning, every other word is F*$%. WU In honor of the DOGG we do the dog WOD Your Strength…


“There is a huge gap between how Movement looks and how it FEELS to actually get there. People look at some of the stuff we put…


Brie showing great Russian Style technique. WU 4 min row, 4 min dyne or jog the loop 6,5,4,3,2,1 Wall Squats Pvc Dislocates OHS Push-ups Ring Rows…


Wheel of Pain is Done! ….giddy up. WU for the week is 4 min row, 4 min dyne or jog the loop 6,5,4,3,2,1 Wall Squats Pvc…


Combine this with the shake weight and your fitness needs are pretty well taken care of…….if you work in adult films. Happy Valentines Day! WU 7…


Looking forward to more CFCA Seine Boat action! WU 7 mins 7 Goblets 7 Swings 2 TGU (per side) then 3 mins DU Practice ….go for…


Kate Pierson’s Project in the CA Desert. Looks nice right now. WU for the week is 3 mins DU Practice go for PR then 7 mins…